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BUSS 2084: Business across Asian Community

1. Assignment details

For this assignment you will need to analyse the challenges and opportunities of the impact of COVID on conducting business in one of the countries provided for Assessment 1 and Assessment 2.

This page has been created to help you find information for your assignment.

Note: For full assessment details please refer to your course outline and learnonline site

2. Finding country Information

Country reports accessed through Statista provide information on macro environmental factors such as economics, demographics, and culture. 

To access country reports go to Reports > Country reports, from the Statista homepage. 
Country reports in Statista

From the country reports page you can either Filter or search for your country, then select your country report from the results list.
Filter or search for your country in Statista

Finding country information in Passport:

  • Select Economies, then Economy, Finance and Trade (top of page).

Select Economies, then Economy, Finance and Trade (top of page)

  • Scroll down to the Explore Analysis box.
  • Select Country Report (for analysis), Economy, Finance and Trade (for category), then the country that you want from the drop down boxes, and Select Go.

Explore analysis in Passport GMID

Tip: Remember to check the publication date of the report for currency of the data.

  • Enter the name of the country (i.e. Japan or India) in the search box and select GE Geographic Terms from the drop down box. Select search.
enter country name in search bar of Business Source Ultimate
  • Under Refine Results, select Sources Types > Country Report (select Show More to see the full range of sources)

To find risk reports

  • Type your country into the search box.
  • Type risk report into the second box, then search. 

adding "risk report" in the search

Visit the following page and guide for a full list of suggested resources:

3. Finding industry Information

To find industry information:

  • Search for 'management system' in the search box (top of page).

Search for 'management system' in Passport GMID

  • From the results select the Analysis tab.
  • Then limit by geography for the country you are after.

selecting Analysis tab in Passport GMID

  • Open the industry report for that country (e.g. Japan) by selecting the relevant title on the right side.

Industry reports include information such as:

  • SWOT analyses
  • Major competitors
  • Products and markets
  • competitive landscape

To find industry reports type your industry within the main search box, e.g. management system, then select search.

searching management system in IBISWorld

  • From the results page, filter your results by country > China/global, to show relevant results. 

You can also browse industries by selecting Industry research > China > China Industry Reports.

navigating Industry research then China then China Industry Reports

You can also find a COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Impact Update when you click on a China Industry Report (e.g. Biscuit Production in China).

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Impact Update in China Industry Report

4. Finding company information

The following databases contain some information on international based companies, although in some cases it may be basic or limited to only major companies:

Company information

Industry information

Company and Industry Information guide banner

Tip: Company websites are a great place to look at when you first start researching a company. This will help you find more information on the history of the company, the industry, previously run promotions and media releases, and annual reports.

  • Visit company website and look for things like 'about us' or 'our story'.

International stock exchange websites

5. COVID-19 Impact Information

Find information on the impacts of COVID-19 on companies and industries using key company and industry databases.

The video (6 min 20 sec) below discusses how to find COVID-19 related company and industry information using various library databases.

6. Plan your search

For your assignment you will need to search for academic references. Start planning your search by:

  • Identifying the keywords in your topic
  • Next think of alternate words for your key words to also use in your searching

Below are some examples of keywords:

Keywords Alternative words
management system management
health care health, public health, medicine
food production agriculture, food industry, nutrition
technology computer industry, information services, electronics

More help

7. Finding information

To do a search, try using

  • double quotes for phrases
  • truncation* to find the plural and other forms of a word
  • connect using AND, OR and NOT

Library collection sample search

At the results list you can:

  • Limit to articles from Peer Reviewed publications 
  • Limit by Date e.g. 2019 to 2024

Business Source Ultimate sample searchTip: You can limit your search to retrieve only peer-reviewed articles by ticking the scholarly/peer reviewed option. You can also limit your search by date range.

More business databases

You can search databases to find quality journal articles on your topic.  To find which databases are best suited to your subject area, go to the Database subject list, and select the > next to the Business and Management heading. For this course choose the Management databases.

Most databases have a limiting feature which will allow you to retrieve items published within a particular year or year range e.g. 2019-2024.

By accessing Google Scholar from the library website, you can see articles that the library has access to by clicking on the Full-text at UniSA link.

Click on the Google Scholar tab and enter your search terms into the search box.

On the results page, you can filter your results from the left-hand menu.

Watch the following to find out more:

8. Critical thinking & analysis

Critical thinking is an essential part of taking a scholarly approach to learning. It involves analysing and questioning information you receive to arrive at logical, well-reasoned conclusions.

The following resources will assist you in understanding and developing your critical thinking and analysing skills needed for your assignment:

9. Report writing

Now that your research is completed it is time to put all of your information together. Watch this short video (2 min 53 sec) for tips on how to write a report:

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Referencing support

Managing your references

What do you do with all those references you have found? You can use a bibliographic management software to store, organise, and cite your references.

There are many free systems available. The Library supports the bibliographic management tool EndNote. EndNote automates citing your references and allows you to create and organise a library of references. For more information and to download the software, check out the EndNote Guide: