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BUSS 5249: Managerial Finance - Assessment 2

1. Assessment 2: Report

For Assessment Two you will need to write a report which describes a substantive application, or applications, of learnings from the course. 

Note: Please see your course outline and course site for the full assessment details and for the report format.

2. Financial information

Use the resources below to help you find financial data:

Financial Databases

More help

3. Other financial data resources

Australian sources

International sources

4. Company and industry information

5. Business Source Ultimate and ABI/INFORM

Business Source Ultimate

An example search in Business Source Ultimate:

Business Source Ultimate sample search

Tip: Use Limit To on the left hand side to select publication date.

ABI/INFORM collection

6. Plan your search

Before you start searching you should:

  • Identify the main concepts within your topic or question
  • Think of alternative words or synonyms you could also search for

The video (2 min 26 sec) below will guide you through planning your search.

7. What are academic sources?

Academic references can be referred to scholarly sources or peer reviewed (refereed). These can include journal articles, books, book chapters, reports and other sources. To find out more about academic references look at the resources below:

Tip: When searching in the library catalogue you can filter your results to show only 'peer reviewed'.

8. How to write a report

Now that you have done your research it is time to put all of your information together.

Watch the video (2 min 53 sec) below to help you write a report for your assignment.

Referencing support

Managing your references

What do you do with all those references you have found? Use a bibliographic management software to store, organise and cite your references.

There are many free systems available. The Library supports the bibliographic management tool EndNote. For more information see the EndNote guide.