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Case law - Primary source

What is case law?

"Over hundreds of years judges have been deciding cases. Their decisions have developed a body of legal principles known as 'common law' or 'case law' that is declared by judges.

When a case comes before a court, the parties to the action present the evidence they need to support their case. The judge listens to the evidence, decides what evidence is relevant and what facts have been proved, decides what law is relevant, and applies that law to the facts in making a decision which is binding on the parties.

The kind of case that a particular court decides depends on the jurisdiction of that court, in other words its authority to determine particular issues. The courts are arranged in a hierarchy, based on the kinds of issues being decided, with appeals from lower courts going to a higher court."

'Case Law', 2014, Legal Services Commission of South Australia

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What are authorised reports and their abbreviations?

For some law reports, the judge who wrote the decision also checks the details of the case before it is published. These cases are known as "authorised" reports. 

Cases from law reports where the judgment is not checked by the judge before publication can still be used in a court of law and in your assignment. These are commonly referred to as "unauthorised" reports.

Authorised report series abbreviations

  • Commonwealth Law Reports:  CLR
  • Federal Court Reports:  FCR
  • Northern Territory Law Reports: NTLR
  • New South Wales Law Reports: NSWLR
  • Victorian Reports: VR
  • South Australian State Reports: SASR
  • Queensland Reports:  Qd R
  • Western Australian Reports: WAR
  • Tasmanian Reports: Tas R
  • Administrative Law Decisions: ALD
  • Commonwealth Arbitration Reports: CAR

What parts make up a case?

Understanding a case is one of the most fundamental skills when studying law. The following document will help you break up the process of analysing a case into three separate parts:

  • Part 1: Describing the dispute (and its resolution or outcome) 
  • Part 2: Understanding the legal reasoning
  • Part 3: Critically analysing a case


IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion) is both a specific method of case analysis, or legal reasoning, and a useful framework for organising or writing out an analysis. 

Legal arguments are typically set out in a very similar way (whether called IRAC or some other method) which has come to be expected in most forms of legal writing. This involves: laying out the issue to be discussed, identifying the relevant legal rule, the application or analysis of material facts based on that rule, and the overall conclusion.

Issue - Judges always summarise what the Issues in the case are

Rule - The Judges then consider what Rule applies (i.e., which piece of legislation or common law practice applies to a particular case)

Application - The Judges then Apply the rule to the facts of the case

Conclusion - The Judges then make a Conclusion on the issue

What makes up a case citation?

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A word on dates

Note that square or round brackets around the date in citing a case are significant!

Rule 1: Use round brackets if the date is not necessary to locate the decision, e.g., Mabo v Queensland (No.2) (1995) 172 CLR 1

Rule 2: Use square brackets when the date is necessary to locate the decision

  • e.g., reported decision: Beattie v Ball [1999] 3 VR 1
  • e.g., an unreported decision Commissioner of Police v Coroners Court of South Australia [2018] SASCFC 26 913 April 2018

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Legal abbreviations and citations

The following links will assist you if you cannot identify an abbreviation in a case. The links will take you through to the abbreviation lists available online.