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AI and responsible research conduct


Principles of responsible conduct

Considerations when GenAI is used

Honesty, rigour and accountability in the development, undertaking and reporting of research

Transparency in declaring interests and reporting research methodology, data and findings

  • its role, influence and extent of application should be duly noted; researchers must accept responsibility and accountability, taking ownership for content generated through GenAI;

Fairness in the treatment of others

Respect for research participants, the wider community, animals and the environment

Recognition of the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to be enaged in research that affects or is of particular significance to them

  • appropriate recognition and referencing of information sourced from GenAI models;
  • use caution when inputting data into GenAI models, especially confidential, commercial-in-confidence, copyrighted and human data, noting the potential risk of losing data ownership and that entering information into GenAI models may be considered a breach of confidentiality
  • recognition of data sovereignty specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Promotion of responsible research practices
  • staff with supervisory responsibilities to students undertaking research must support a culture of responsible research conduct

Generative AI and research

(video length: 1 hr 29 mins)

TEQSA, in association with Deakin University, hosted this webinar exploring the potential and pitfalls of GenAI with respect to research and research training. 

Ethics in AI seminar

This video is a webinar presented by the Institute for Ethics in AI Oxford.

The webinar touches on topics such as:

  • What role does the technical AI community play in questions of AI ethics and those concerning the broader impacts of AI? Are technical researchers well placed to reason about the potential societal impacts of their work?
  • What does it mean to conduct and publish AI research responsibly?
  • What challenges does the AI community face in reaching consensus about responsibilities, and adopting appropriate norms and governance mechanisms?
  • How can we maximise the benefits while minimising the risks of increasingly advanced AI research?

Video length: 37 mins 52 secs