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ORCiD for ARC & NHMRC grants

Auto-populate the RMS at ARC

The Australian Research Council (ARC) advises researchers to auto-populate their research output metadata into their ARC's Research Management System Person Profile system and applications forms.RMS personal profile image

[Diagram from the Australian Research Council User Guide, please note image is at best quality available]

What does this mean for researchers?

Your RMS Person Profile will be enhanced to include your research output data. This can be harvested from ORCID by authenticating your ORCID in the RMS and adding the ARC as a trusted party.

You can also enter data using DOI's, manually, or by BibTex file bulk upload.

Once your research output data is in your RMS Person Profile, it can be used to auto-populate grant applications without having to manually create and update them each time.

Make sure your ORCiD is up to date

If you are applying for a grant:

  • review and update your ORCiD profile to ensure research outputs under Works are correct.
  • it is highly recommended you register your ORCiD @ UniSA

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Auto-populating your RMS with ORCiD

To import your research outputs from ORCiD into RMS, follow these steps.

Instructions taken from the User Guide: Research outputs in RMS, Australian Research Council (Sept 2021).

Add your outputs into your RMS profile

  1. Log into RMS.
  2. Under Person profile select Personal details.
  3. Then select Create of Connect your ORCID iD.
    Create or Connect your ORCID iD
    A new window will open, sign in, or create your ORCiD account.
  4. Select Authorize to authorise RMS to Read your limited-access information.Trusted Organizations in ORCiD
    Once authorised close the window as your ORCiD is now linked with your RMS account.

    Note: If you have previously linked your ORCiD to RMS account, but authorisation has not yet been given you will need to select Upgrade ORCID Access to authorise.
    Upgrade ORCiD Access
  5. In RMS Person Profile select Research Outputs.
  6. Select Populate from ORCID.
    Populate from ORCiD
  7. Tick import all sources ..., otherwise only the preferred source record will upload. The research outputs should display grouped by the output category. Review and then select Populate.

    Removing duplicates - RMS does not prevent duplicates being imported. These can be deleted within RMS, with an option to Revive the output if you need to add it back in.

    If a research output in ORCiD has multiple citation sources, where you have not indicated a preferred source and you do not tick All sources, RMS will import one random citation for each output.Populating Research Outputs in RMS from ORCiD

    'Fail' notices displaying? The RMS will only retrieve outputs which have a citationDOI or both. Outputs that do not have a citation or DOI will be counted as a 'fail' and will display in red text on the Manage outputs screen. Invalid entries will not appear on the preview PDF file or populate into the research application.

    To fix add or review the citation in ORCiD, using the Harvard style.
  8. Check your output categories are correct. To change select Manage Research Output Additional Details, select the appropriate category and Save.
    Output types can be changed
  9. Select the outputs you wish to preview and then select Preview citations in PDF to check your outputs display correctly by output type. Check bibliographic information is correct and consistent as per the Harvard referencing style, e.g. authors display as Smith, J, not John Smith. The DOI will be automatically inserted if known.

Add your outputs into the application form

To add the research outputs into an application form, go to section F19. To import your outputs:

  1. Select Search, and then sources from the All Sources tab.
  2. Tick the Select checkboxes or Select All, then Add selected.
  3. Next indicated your top ten career best outputs. Number these from 1 to 10. On saving, the ranked outputs will appear first, and in the order selected.
  4. Research outputs relevant to your application can be selected using the Relevant checkbox, a * will display next to these in the application PDF.
  5. ARC funding details are added to the research outputs in the participant's profile or can be added by selecting Additional details.
  6. Select View generated Research Outputs PDF to view your research outputs in PDF form.

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ARC tips and FAQs

Important information

This below information regarding Section F18 and F19: Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE) (pp. 34-35) has been extracted from Discovery Projects Instructions to applicants for funding commencing in 2021, Australian Research Council. Please note that the same rules apply for Linkage Project applicants.

  • Research output categories are authored books; edited books; book chapters; refereed journal articles; fully refereed conference proceedings; and additional research outputs (including non-traditional research outputs).

    CVs and theses should not be included in this list.
  • Include no more than 100 research outputs and fully reference each research output listed.
  • The RMS will NOT prevent the entry of duplicate records. It is your responsibility to manage this. Users will have the flexibility to choose research outputs for listing in their grant applications.
  • Your ten career-best research outputs can be indicated by adding a numeric value from 1 to 10. On saving, these outputs will appear first and in order you selected.
  • Research outputs relevant to the application can be indicated by ticking the Relevant checkbox. Note the * only appears in the Research outputs PDF and the Application PDF.
  • ARC funding details are added to the research output in the participant's profile or by selecting Additional Details.
  • To view the Research Outputs in PDF select View generated Research Outputs PDF.

Key tips

  • As your final application will only include up to 100 citations, concentrate on ensuring the output type and citation details are correct.
  • Include DOIs where available, and update citations in your ORCiD, so that it will load successfully into the RMS.


Q. Why do my citations have strange characters displaying in the reference?

A. The RMS may not correctly render some characters. See the User Guide for more information.

Q. Some of my outputs are not importing successfully from ORCiD into the RMS, why?

A. Check the visibility settings within ORCiD. The outputs need to be showing as either Everyone (green icon) or Trusted Parties (yellow icon) for the outputs to be retrieved. visibility settings

Q. The output type is not correct, how can I fix this?

A. Sometimes if you have imported the metadata from external databases such as Scopus, Web of Science or Crossref a different output type may be assigned, for example a book chapter displays as a book. You can change the output type within the RMS by changing the output category, see step 8 under Auto-populating your RMS with ORCiD.

Q. How do I change the number of authors displayed in the PDF?

A. The number of authors displayed is set to five for the Research Outputs Listing. You can increase this to a maximum of 40 authors. Any with less than five authors will default to five.

Q. Where do I show the citation counts for my outputs, and quality of journals I have published in?

A. As the outputs section of the application is now auto populated, there is no ability to record individual metrics such as times cited counts, journal impact factor/rank in category information, Altmetrics scores etc.

Instead use the F18 section to write a summary of your metrics: "it is helpful to include the importance/esteem of specific journals in their field, specific indicators of recognition within their field such as first authorship/citations, or significance of non-traditional research outputs."

Q. Can I add research outputs that have been accepted for publication but not yet published?

A. Yes. Forthcoming or in-press outputs can be manually added into the RMS. Include the following:

  • an acceptance date - in the Title field, enter Accepted, and the date (dd/mm/yyyy) before the publication title.
  • the expected date of publication, if known in the date field. If not known leave this field blank.

Q. When I preview the pdf of my research outputs in my profile, the citations are not display consistently in publication date descending order. There is also some inconsistency in the display of authors names, etc. Why?

A. When you import your outputs from your profile into the application, the outputs will display correctly by output type in publication date descending order. An exception to this is the top ten best-career research outputs you selected which will appear first.

The citation display depends on how the information displays in your ORCiD. For example, if the author's name displays as John Smith, it will display as John Smith in the application, not Smith, J. These sorts of issues should be updated in your ORCiD, then reimported into RMS.

The Library recommends you use University of South Australia as the preferred source in ORCiD where possible, as the outputs will be cited correctly.

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NHMRC grants

Research outputs can now be populated in the NHMRC's Sapphire system using ORCiD, in addition to uploading via EndNote or a RIS file.

Getting started

  • You will need to authorise your ORCiD to your Sapphire profile
  • Please note that if using ORCiD to import research outputs, authors may need to be added manually.