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What is it?

ORCiD is a free internationally recognised, non-profit registry system. An ORCiD is a unique 16 digit identifier that you can use to distinguish yourself from other researchers and ensure your outputs are correctly attributed.

Why should I have one?

Here are 5 reasons why having an ORCiD can help maximise your research.

  1. You can list all of your research outputs in one place, for the whole of your career - a lifelong digital identifier.
  2. You can enter once, re-use often.
  3. It helps improve recognition and discoverability of your research focus, outputs, grants, and peer review activities.
  4. It can be linked to other identifiers including ResearcherID and Scopus Author ID
  5. Many publishers and funding bodies mandate or encourage having an ORCiD. This can as part of a journal submission system (with your ORCiD displaying on the published output), or in grant management systems such as the Australian Research Council's Research Management System (RMS). In RMS there is an option to populate the Research Outputs section by importing from ORCiD.

Uptake report

You can run a report to see the uptake of ORCiD at UniSA by continuing and fixed term academics. A report showing uptake by individual by name and Academic Unit/institute is also available by restricted access.


Check if you have an ORCiD

See the diagram below to check if you have:

  • an ORCiD
  • it is registered with UniSA, and 
  • the ORCiD badge is on your staff homepage

ORCID process