In the clinical setting, health professionals make decisions about patient care every day. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach which helps guide this decision-making.
In EBP, decisions about patient care are guided by three kinds of information:
Select the plus symbols below to learn more about each of the EBP areas.
There are five key steps in the evidence-based practice process, starting with formulating a question and ending with the evaluation of practice. These steps may be linear, or they may lead you to another clinical question to investigate.
Select the plus symbols below to read more about each of the steps.
Watch this 2015 video from the International Academy of Osteopathy to learn more about the three main domains of evidence-based practice and the five key steps.
Practitioners use EBP to ensure that decisions about patient care are informed by the best possible information.
The purpose of EBP is to:
Select the plus symbols below for more about the importance of the EBP areas.
Watch the video below to learn more about why EPB is a valuable tool.
CYMH_ON 2014, Evidence-Informed Practice
Running time: 4:14 minutes
You may find that this guide uses terminology that you are unfamiliar with. The following provide easy to understand definitions of key terms: