Developing a comprehensive search strategy is an iterative (circular) process.
Use scoping searching to discover key terminology, then adapt and rerun searches until you reach the point where you have a comprehensive but precise search strategy.
Techniques for developing a search strategy:
Watch this short video (5 min) on how to mind map by creator Tony Buzan.
Use the following worksheet to help you map out your search:
More help:
There are many tools that will allow you to create mind maps (pen and paper included!), with both free and paid options available. Some of these are dedicated mind map tools, while other platforms have functionality to allow for mind maps. Select something appropriate
Watch one of the below videos for a quick overview on planning a search strategy.
Even though the research questions used may not be in your discipline area, you can apply the techniques shown to your own question.
Example question:
Does the general public support the use of quotas as a strategy to get more women into parliament?
More help:
It may be better to split certain phrases to search for them as two separate concepts instead of one. This will depend on how they are written in the literature. For example:
If you think you will split a phrase consider whether you will add it:
Proximity operators finds concepts within a certain amount of words, proximity, from each other. This symbol can vary between databases.