There are many more books in the Librarys collection which you may find relevant to your studies.
Some items in the Librarys collection have been described using thematic subject terms. You will find these terms listed subjectson the catalogue entry for the item eg.
You can use these terms to help focus your search for more sources by typing these phrases into the search box on the Catalogue. For example, try the following searches:
Alternatively, double click on the title of the item displayed in your search results. This will bring up a more detailed Catalogue record and from here you can double click on any associated thematic subject term.
There are many resources online produced by organisations aiming to support and promote new writers and their work.
Here are a few :
Journals are the primary channel by which scholars in many disciplines share their insights and research findings.
UniSA provides online access to hundreds of journals. Some of these journals present new writers' work and others both present and critqiue new work. Titles include: