UniSA's Open Access Policy applies to scholarly publications and other published research outputs arising from publicly funded research produced by:
This policy enables the University to fulfil its responsibilities as articulated in the NHMRC's revised policy on the dissemination of research findings, and the ARC's Open Access Policy.
Before submitting a publication, you should always check your funding agreements for open access publishing requirements.
JISC Open policy finder allows you to search for funder policies. Just select Funder from the drop down menu.
Both the Australian Research Council (ARC) and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) have Open Access Policies for research publications supported by their funded research projects.
Publications arising from their funded research projects must be deposited into an open access institutional repository within a twelve-month period from the date of publication.
Publications arising from newly funded research projects from September 20th, 2022, onwards must be made open access immediately upon publication and have an open licence. All other funded research project must meet these requirements from 2024 onwards.