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UniSA Library resources for teaching staff on using eReserve to manage course readings

Manage readings

Embed readings in course pages

To include a reading or readings with citations and links in one of your LearnOnline course pages, go to the page, turn on editing, and edit the section of text where you want to add readings.

  1. In the text editor, place the cursor at the point where you want to insert readings, and click the icon with the eReserve logo:

    A screenshot showing how to insert readings

  2. Use the Reading list dropdown to select the list with a current duration/study period. The reading list will display below:

    A screenshot showing the reading list

  3. Find the reading or readings you want to insert, and select the checkbox on their left side:

    A screenshot showing the checkbox

  4. Use the Next button at the top of the screen to continue:

    A screenshot showing the next button

  5. You will see a preview of the readings you have selected. If you are happy with your selection, choose the Create button:

    A screenshot showing a preview of the readings

  6. The embedded readings will appear in your text editor as shown below. Use the Save changes button to finalise the changes to your text.A screenshot showing the embedded readings

View readings

To access the content of a reading, use the first icon to the right of the reading.

If this icon is a link, it will link you to another site:

A screenshot showing the link icon

Tips: Access links of electronic/online resources may change from time to time. It is recommended to check reading access links and update any broken links prior to the start of a new study period.

If the icon is a down arrow, it will prompt you to download a file containing the reading:

A screenshot showing the arrow icon

If the reading is a journal article available online, you can also read it online or download the pdf:

A screenshot showing icons to read an article online or download pdf

Check reading status

You can check reading availability by looking at the status label as shown below:

A screenshot showing the status label

Common statuses you may see on the reading list are listed below:

A screenshot showing the common statuses that can be seen on a reading list

You can check the legend located at the top right corner of the page at any time for status explanation:

A screenshot showing how to check for status explanation

Edit readings

Use the edit icon to update reading links/files, reading importance, or notes to students. Changes made to reading files will need to be confirmed by Library staff, but all other changes will be immediately visible to students.

This image shows the position of the edit icon for each reading. The icon is third from the left and displays a document and pencil.

For other details that cannot be edited or updated, please contact Ask the Library.

Hide or delete readings

To hide any reading from a reading list, use the eye icon on the right of the reading:

A screenshot showing how to hide a reading

Select the icon again to reveal the reading to students.

A screenshot showing how to reveal a reading

To delete any reading from a reading list, use the red trashcan icon on the right of the reading:

A screenshot showing the red trashcan icon

You will see a warning notice that the reading will no longer be available on the list. To continue, click yes:

A screenshot showing the warning notice


Why do I see a cookie warning when I try to embed or view embedded readings?

Your browser security settings are preventing eReserve from loading into LearnOnline. This issue affects the Edge browser on UniSA PCs, so please use another browser.

How do I delete embedded readings?

Depending on your browser:

  • place your cursor before the readings and press Delete, or
  • select the readings with your cursor and press Delete, or
  • place your cursor after the readings and press Backspace.

The entire selection of readings will be deleted together.

Can I move embedded readings around by drag and drop?

Yes, if you are using the Atto editor in LearnOnline (not the TinyMCE editor). This works best if you first select some surrounding text along with the reading, and then drag the selected text.

Alternatively, you can embed one or more readings via Add an activity or resource > Resources > Label. This will create your reading as a single element which can be dragged around and dropped where necessary.

If I embed multiple readings at the same time, what order will they display in?

The readings will display in the same relative order they were positioned in your full reading list at the time you embedded.

Will students be able to use eReserve to embed readings when making forum posts?


What are the consequences for students wanting to access their readings outside of the defined period?

They’ll be able to see the embedded readings with their full citations, but links to the readings will be inactive.

How can I update a broken/invalid link?

Go to the reading you need to update the link for, click on the edit button:

A screenshot showing the Edit button

Then all editable fields will appear. Follow the instruction in the screen capture below to update links:

A screenshot showing how to update links

Can I edit a reference of an approved reading?

No. You will need to contact the Ask the Library to make changes to references. This restriction is in place because readings can be used across multiple courses, so you can't make changes that apply to just one reading list.

I want to update a resource on my reading list to the latest edition. Can I edit the reading link/citation information to go to the new edition?

No. The previous edition may still be in use on other courses' current or future reading lists; and editing the reading will also interfere with resource-related usage statistics. Instead, please add a new reading using the citation information for the newer edition.

If there is an error in my citation, should I delete the reading?

No. Please contact Ask the Library to correct the citation. Deleting a reading from your list does not remove it from eReserve, so the error will remain if not corrected, and you may be unable to add a replacement reading.

How can I undo deletions?

You will need to add the deleted readings again. If the reading had already been approved (the reading status was active, pending, removed or expired) you can easily add the reading again by using Add existing readings with just eReserve Plus in the Locations field.

Will embedded readings still display in my course pages after deletion?

Yes, but they will not be available for access or download. You can remove the embedded readings by editing your course page.

If I delete a reading, will I still be able to see how many times it has been accessed?

No. The access count will be reset if the same reading is added back to the list later.

How can I search for an individual reading on my list?

Each list of readings will appear on a single page within your browser, so you can expand all readings and use your browser’s search function (usually ‘Ctrl+F’) to search your readings.