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Plan your search

Study help: Plan your search video

Planning your search is key to getting the most out of your search results. The following video will help you get started.

Video length: 2 min 26 sec

Key points from the video

  • Identify the key concepts (main ideas) in your assignment
  • Check other ways key concepts are described in the literature
  • Create a search by connecting concepts using AND and OR
  • Alter your search strategy as you find more keywords

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The rest of this page will outline the three key steps for planning your search as discussed in this video: identify keywords, consider alternative keywords, and connect your keywords.

Step 1: Identify keywords

Typing your question into Google or the Library Website is not the best way to search.

Mapping out your search can be a good place to start:

  • Identify the keywords (also known as key concepts) in the assignment question - these are the words which give meaning to the question, the main ideas
  • Remove task words (also known as instruction words) from your assignment question - these are the words telling you what to do with the key concepts (e.g. analyse, compare, discuss)

Check the Assignment Support page in this guide for more information on instruction words and assignments.

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Can you find the keywords in the two activities below? 

Step 2: Consider alternative keywords

Now you've identified the keywords in your assignment question, try doing the following to help you understand your keywords and find similar or alternative keywords.

Do some basic initial searching using the keywords you've already identified to see what other words are used in the papers you find. 

As you search, you may come across more concepts or synonyms you can incorporate. Don't be afraid to change or modify your search as you go.

You can also create a mindmap or table to help you brainstorm alternative keywords.

Here is an example table:

Keywords Alternative or related terms 
Tourist traveller, visitor, backpacker, holidaymaker, guest
Hospitality accommodation, lodging, hotel
Experience service, assistance, experience economy
Service quality customer satisfaction, quality of service
Tourism development destination management, tourism promotion, event management

This table is a sample only and not specific to your assessments.

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Step 3: Connect your keywords

Once you have identified your keywords and found alternative keywords, you need to connect these to put your search together.

Use the following operator words, which most search tools will have, to indicate how you want the tool to search for your keywords:

  • OR: Combines similar keywords
  • AND: Combines different keywords
  • NOT: Excludes words from the search (use cautiously and only when necessary or you might exclude results you actually want)

Remember to use "quotation marks" to keep phrases together.

Use brackets ( ) to tell the search engine what order the searches must occur in.

For example:

"wine tourism" AND Australia

tourism OR travel

tourism AND (olympics OR "olympic games")

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