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Welcome to the UniSA Library

This page has been created to help you build your search skills and find resources

Plan your search

Before you start your search it is important to make a plan:

Read: Plan your search (276 KB)

Watch: Study Help: Plan your search (2 min 26 sec)

Now it is time to explore keywords, alternative keywords and connecting words. Follow the steps below and test your skills:

Step 1: Keywords

Think about the keywords or concepts in your question or topic. Carefully read the example question below, can you identify the keywords/concepts?

How does social media influence body image in teenagers?

Step 2: Alternative keywords

Once you have keywords, think about alternative words for your keywords that you can also use in your searching. In the activity below match the alternative words with the keywords:

Step 3: Connect your words

Now that you have your keywords and alternative keywords, you will need to connect these to put your search together.

  • use OR to combine similar keywords
  • use AND to combine different keywords
  • use "quotation marks" to keep phrases together
  • use brackets to keep alternative words together

For example:

"social media" AND "body image"

"body image" AND (teenager OR youth)

Subject guides

Our subject guides are engaging, easy to use and full of recommended resources for your topic. Guides include Management, Company and Industry Information plus many more

Where to search

The Library Collection is a good place to start your search for scholarly material:

Watch:  How to search the Library Collection (1 min 45 sec)

Key Sport and Recreation Management databases

For more on where to search see Find Information

Evaluating resources

It is important to always evaluate resources:

Read: Find Scholarly Sources (272 KB)

Watch: Study Help: Evaluating Information (3 min 17 sec)

Useful information

Ask the Library

Need help? You can contact us through chat, phone or email using our Ask the Library Service:

Mon-Fri: 6:00am-9.30pm - HKT (UTC+8)

Sat-Sun: 7.30am -3:30pm - HKT (UTC+8) 

International phone number: +61 8302 6231