Showcase your research on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning best practice by publishing your findings in dedicated SoTL or higher education journals.
To identify research about SoTL, search databases including Scopus, ERIC and Google Scholar. Refer to the Search syntax guide to optimise your search strategy.
Check the Library's Read & Publish Agreements webpage to identify journals where you may be able to publish your findings as immediately open access, without having to pay Article Processing Charges (APCs).
Refer to UniSA's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) resources for further information, and the SoTL Article Repository within the guide for a variety of readings on various aspects of SoTL, or examples of UniSA's SoTL research.
For further information or assistance contact Ask the LIbrary.
Keep up to date with SoTL by browsing these journals, or set up an alert to have the contents emailed whenever there is a new issue:
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education (Taylor & Francis)
Higher Education:the International Journal of Higher Education Research (Springer Nature)
Innovative Higher Education (Springer Nature)
International Journal for Academic Development (Taylor & Francis)
Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning (Emerald)
Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (OJS)
Studies in Higher Education (Taylor & Francis)
Teaching & Learning Inquiry (ISSOTL)
Teaching in Higher Education (Taylor & Francis)
The Review of Higher Education (John Hopkins University Press)
These SoTL journals have a focus on the Australasian context:
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (ASCILITE)
Higher Education Research & Development (Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia) (Taylor & Francis)
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (Springer Open)
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education (Taylor & Francis)
Advances in Physiology Education (American Physiological Society)
Advances in Health Science Education (Springer Nature)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (Wiley)
Journal of Biological Education (Taylor & Francis)
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (American Society for Microbiology)
Journal of Nursing Education (Elsevier)
Medical Education (Association for the Study of Medical Education) (Wiley)
Nurse Education Today (ScienceDirect/Elsevier)
Nurse Education in Practice (Science Direct/Elsevier)
Pharmacy Education (PKP Publishing)
Education for Chemical Engineers (Elsevier)
International Journal of Science Education (Taylor & Francis)
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (Emerald)