In medicine and health sciences, there are some requirements that need to be followed for particular journals or publication formats. These include:
In psychology there are some requirements that need to be followed for particular journals or publication formats. These include:
Publishing and use of generative artificial intelligence
Publishers are beginning to provide information regarding the use of generative AI by authors. Author guidelines may also be updated with information about if and how AI can be used and acknowledged, including:
COPE also have a position statement on Authorship and AI tools
Delisting journals from Web of Science
In 2023, Clarivate stopped indexing over 50 journals from its Master Journal List/Web of Science (WoS) due to journals failing to meet 24 quality criteria, including peer review, appropriate citations and papermill activity. Clarivate may remove content already indexed in WoS, not index any new content, and the journal loses its journal impact factor and authors lose citation counts.
Dr Drew Evans is an Associate Professor of Energy and Advanced Manufacturing (Future Industries Institute) at the University of South Australia, with expertise in thin film coatings for commercial applications. Recording from Publishing with Impact series (video length: 41 min 32 sec).
Dr Evans has 67 documents indexed in the Scopus database, which have been cited by 1,454 documents. Forty-nine publications are available Open Access through the UniSA Research Outputs Repository.
Dr Eileen O'Brien outlines her recommendations for early career researchers and research students commencing their publishing journey in this 32 minute video clip from the 2024 Publishing with Impact EDGE series.
Learn some publishing tips from Prof. Grant Tomkinson from UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance, recorded in April 2024. Recording duration: 44 mins.
Recordings from the 2021 seminar Publishing your research and what editors want held Thursday 8 July in the Bradley Forum, City West Campus.
Keynote presentation by Tamara D'Mello, Journal Publishing Manager, Wiley (access via UniSA login). Video length: 56 min 51 sec.
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Developed by the American Chemical Society, Publishing Your Research 101 is an educational video series designed to assist authors and reviewers with the process of writing, submitting, editing and reviewing.
Included in the series is an interview with Professor George Whitesides from Harvard University, author of over 1100 published articles. Professor Whitesides offers valuable tips and information on effective writing and publishing.