Provides a vital international forum where theatrical scholarship and practice can meet and where prevailing dramatic assumptions can be subjected to vigorous critical questioning.
A publication of the British Film Institute with feature articles and interviews on recent motion pictures, notes on festivals, book reviews and film and video reviews.
A refereed journal dealing with the discourse and practice of the arts, encompassing the visual arts, film, multi-media, dance, music, creative writing and theatre.
Offers extended coverage of the visual arts (such as video, installations, photography, and multimedia performance), in addition to reviews of new works in theatre, dance, film, and opera.
Streaming video of world-class productions, offering insight into theatre and performance studies. Includes unique supplements to the filmed productions.
Feature video: Basic acting skills
Watch this video for an introduction to basic acting skills and exercises.
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An industry association representing the interests of film, television and digital media directors, documentary makers, animators throughout Australia.
Australia’s national play development, publication and licensing organisation. It hosts the world’s largest online showcase and searchable database of the best Australian playwriting.