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NURS 1075: Primary Midwifery Practice, Assignment 2

Assessment 2: Presentation - Electronic Factsheet & Video Resource

In this assessment, you will prepare an A4 electronic factsheet for use in antenatal/postnatal education and then develop a video resource of you delivering this education to a woman, using your fact sheet as a teaching resource. You will select ONE of the listed topics from Assessment 2 Task Description.

​This page will help you find resources to support the making of the factsheet and video presentation. Please refer the LearnOnline site for details of the assessment and marking rubric.

Understand your task

Begin by clarifying the assessment requirements. Read the assignment instructions and marking criteria supplied on your course site. The video below explains more about writing assignments at university.

If you need to develop a research topic/question, visit the Develop your research question tab on this guide to learn how.

  • Doing an assignment isn't a linear process.
  • Start by reading the task in detail, so you know what you need to do.
  • The assignment instructions and feedback sheet will explain the structure of your assignment.
  • You can find out more about different assignment types on the Study Help website.
  • You might need to revise your assignment plan as you go - this might happen a few times before you write your final draft!
  • As you read more, your argument should evolve to incorporate new information.
  • Make sure you use reliable resources to support your argument.
  • To interpret your task you will need to identify the content words and phrases - these show what you have to focus on.
  • The instruction words tell you how to approach the content, for example, describing something is different to comparing.
  • Identify the limits of your assignment by looking at keywords, word limits and other instructions.
  • Start the process early to get ahead.

Plan your search

Similar to the last assessment, you can start by identifying the concepts from your assignment topic before searching. Then consider alternative words for these concepts which become your searchable keywords.

As this assignment might also suggest multiple questions, you should perform a search for each sub question. Use the common concepts plus one or more question-specific concept.

Use Alcohol consumption during pregnancy as an example, identify the concept common to the main question.

Concepts Alternative keywords
Alcohol consumption alcohol intake, blood alcohol level, drinking behaviour, alcohol addiction
Pregnancy Pregnant women, trimester, antenatal

 Now do the same for the concepts unique to the sub-questions.

Concepts Alternative keywords
Alcoholism alcohol abuse, drunk, alcohol exposure, alcohol misuse
Prenatal outcome GD, GDM, placental insufficiency, insulin resistance
Alcohol screening routine screening, T-ACE, TWEAK, AUDIT-C
Fetus development pregnancy recognition, birth outcome, Neurodevelopmental outcomes, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

Again, introduce AND and OR to combine the keywords in your common concepts; use truncation, wildcards and phrase symbols to get better search results.

"alcohol consumption?" OR "alcohol intake?" OR "blood alcohol level" OR "drinking behavi*" OR "alcohol addiction."
"fetus development " OR "pregnan* recognition" OR "birth outcome?" OR "neurodevelopmental outcome?" OR "neuro-developmental outcome?"
pregnan* OR "pregnant wom?n" OR trimester? OR prenatal OR pre-natal

Know what you need

Now consider the types of resources needed to complete your assignment. As information comes in many different formats, some types may be more appropriate to your assessment requirements.

Select the plus symbols below to read more about some of the main resources.

Peer reviewed resources

You may be asked to use 'peer reviewed' or 'refereed' references. These are evaluated by subject experts before publication, so can indicate higher quality and more authoritative information. Not all 'scholarly' or 'academic' resources are peer reviewed.

Key Databases & Sources


If searching a database on Ovid (Medline, Embase, Emcare etc) use the advanced search, and enter each line one at a time. You can then use the search history to combine your searches:

You may also want to consult the library's Multidisciplinary databases.

More help:

Consider Grey Literature

What is grey literature?

'Information produced on all levels of government, academics, business and industry in electronic and print formats not controlled by commercial publishing, i.e. where publishing is not the primary activity of the producing body'

- 1997 International Conference on Grey Literature, Luxembourg - definition expanded in New York, 2004 

The type of grey literature you need depends on your question and the level of evidence you need to answer it.

Types of grey literature

You should carefully consider the types of grey literature you will and will not include, for example:

  • Theses and dissertations
  • Conference papers and  proceedings
  • Reports - government, annual, technical, research etc.
  • Statistics

The video below summarises some common types of grey literature.

Video length - 5 min 13 sec

Please note that some of the information and sources suggested in this video might not apply to this assessment. For more information, please visit the library's Grey Literature Guide.

Grey literature sources:

Select appropriate references

You should critically evaluate all resources found to determine their appropriateness for your assignment. The video below explains more.

  • Having access to a lot of information can be overwhelming.
  • Evaluating information helps you decide what resources you should use.
  • One technique you can use is the CRAAP test.
  • Currency: How recent is the information? Does it suit your needs?
  • Relevance: Is the information relevant to your assignment?
  • Authority: Who wrote the information? Are they an expert?
  • Accuracy: Is the information accurate? Is it supported by evidence?
  • Purpose: Why was the resource created? Is there any bias?
  • You can use the CRAAP tool to think about these issues when evaluating your resources.

Create a Factsheet

In Part A of your assignment (factsheet), you are required to include the following information:

  • ​Your chosen topic from the list above.
  • Why the information is important for women.
  • How your factsheet will benefit women.
  • At what point of the pregnancy/postnatal period is it recommended.
  • How you would recommend women access this.

Here are some recommendations and examples of Health related factsheets:

Make a Presentation Video

For your presentation, you will make a three to five minute video recording, in which you explain the content of the factsheet you developed to a mother as in a face-to-face scenario. You may refer to the factsheet for particular sections, but you must not simply read from it. There are some guidelines you MUST follow for this assessment:

  • You must introduce yourself, giving your name and student number.
  • You must speak directly to the camera.
  • The presentation video must be recorded in one sequence with NO editing.
  • The video must be at least three minutes but no longer than five minutes.
  • your voice must be clear and audible.

Making a presentation and a video can be quite daunting, this is why preparing a script can help you organise the information and the flow of your speech.

For more information on video recording and oral presentation, see links below:

Please note, not all content is directly applied to your assessment. Please visit your LearnOnline page for specific requirements.

Correctly reference your sources

You must appropriately cite (‘acknowledge’) all references used in your assignment to avoid plagiarism.