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NURS 2042: Complex Care of the Woman

Find the best level of evidence to inform best practice

Assignment 2

This assignment is to help you develop your appreciation of critical analysis and how it contributes to your continual and long-life professional development through your midwifery career.

This assignment help will help you to find scholarly current literature relevant for your chosen topic for your topic.

Refer to the Course outline for comprehensive information.

The Student Engagement Unit's Academic Skills website can help with planning your assignment and making sense of the assignment and instruction words. 

Plan your search

Start by identifying the concepts (main ideas) from your assignment topic prior to searching. Then consider alternative words for each.

Break down the question

As your topic might have multiple questions, you should perform a search for each sub-question.

For the example:  'What are the psychological and social impact of high-risk pregnancies?' 

. Identify the concepts common to the main question.

Key concepts
Alternative concepts


emotional, mental


societal, communal


complicated, difficult

pregnancies prenatal, antenatal, gestation

Now use AND and OR to combine your keywords

Line 1 psychological OR emotional OR mental
Connector AND
Line 2

social OR societal OR communal

Connector AND

Line 3

high-risk  OR complicated  OR difficult

Connector AND
Line 4 pregnancies OR prenatal OR antenatal OR gestation

Finally, add truncation and phrase symbols This will help you save time and get relevant results. "root" form of a word with all its different endings by adding a symbol to the end of a word

For example

  • truncation can help find all the different endings by adding the astericks the end of the word: pregnan* will find pregnant and pregnancy and pregnancies 
  • use quotation marks to keep phrases together, for example "difficult pregnancy" OR "high risk"

With truncation/phrases 

Line 1 psycholog* OR emotion* OR mental*
Connector AND
Line 2

 social OR societal OR commun*

Connector AND
Line 3 high-risk  OR "high risk"  OR complicat*  OR difficult*
Connector AND
Line 4 pregnan* OR prenatal OR antenatal OR gestation

Broken Link Button

Start seeking

The Library Catalogue is a useful starting point in searching for resources.

Alternatively, you can search in some of the suggested databases below.

Search the databases

Searching in Emcare is different to searching in the Library Catalogue.

1. Uncheck the box labelled Map to Subject Heading

2. Type your first concept and alternative words into the search box.

3. Select Search

4. Repeat steps 1-4 for your next concepts
5. Check the boxes next to each of your concept lines
6. Select Combine with AND
7. Scroll down to see your results

More useful databases:

Start analysing

You need to use credible references for this Assessment.

Credible references are articles from peer reviewed journals that are of high quality and can be used to support arguments that you are presenting. Articles in peer reviewed journals must go through an evaluation process with experts in the field before being published. The term refereed is also used.

The terms scholarly and academic are also sometimes used to indicate quality journals.

Remember the assignment instructions:

Start summarising

Check out these links to on how to summarise articles:

Present your summary

View the video below from the Learning Advisor team in the Student Engagement Unit with tips and strategies on how to approach your assignment:

Sign in to access additional resources in LinkedIn Learning:

Correctly reference your sources (standard)

You must appropriately cite (‘acknowledge’) all references used in your assignment to avoid plagiarism.