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NURS 2042: Complex Care of the Woman

Assessment 1 : Consumer Resource and Reflection

The aim of this assignment is to develop your understanding of how to locate and use the best available evidence that includes research findings, to ensure safe, quality midwifery practice.

The assessment consists of 2 parts:

Part A: Resource

Part B: Reflection

Please refer to your learnonline course site for the full details of the assessment. 

Plan your search

To search effectively it is important to prepare a search strategy.

Start by identifying the key concepts (main ideas) in your assignment. Terminology used will vary, so be sure to consider alternative terms for each. These will be your search keywords.

Have a look at the example question below to see how to start preparing your search strategy.

Example question: musculoskeletal manipulation in Chiropractic


Concepts Alternative keywords
kernicterus "bilirubin encephalopathy", jaundice
baby infant, newborn, neonate

You can use quotation marks (“ “) to find an exact match for phrases, e.g. "bilirubin encephalopathy"

Combine your terms to form your search strategy (you'll type this in the search box):

  • combine all the search terms for the same concept using OR
    This will search for any of the words included
  • combine different concepts using AND
    This will search for at least one word from each line

Example search strategy:

kernicterus OR "bilirubin encephalopathy"


baby OR newborn OR neonate

For more help:

Start searching

The Library Catalogue is a useful starting point in searching for resources.

If you are searching for peer reviewed journal articles use the Refine my results menu on the right hand side to show only peer reviewed journal articles

1) Select Show only > full text online and peer reviewed journals

Alternatively, you can also try searching in databases. 


MEDLINE (via Ovid)
Medline is a large health database with over 30 million references.  Searching in Medline is different to searching in the Library Catalogue, follow the instructions below to get started. 

1. Uncheck the box labelled Map to Subject Heading

2. Type your first concept and alternative words into the search box.

3. Select Search

4. Repeat steps 1-4 for your next concepts

5. Check the boxes next to each of your concept lines
6. Select Combine with AND
7. Scroll down to see your results

More useful databases:

Evaluate your resources

It is important to evaluate the information you find. 

Credible references are articles from peer reviewed journals that are of high quality and can be used to support arguments that you are presenting. Articles in peer reviewed journals must go through an evaluation process with experts in the field before being published. The terms referredscholarly and academic are also sometimes used to indicate quality journals.

Start summarising

Check out these links to on how to summarise articles:

Present your information

For this assignment you can choose how you present the information, please refer to the course learnonline for full details.

 The below resources might be helpful:

LinkedIn Learning courses

Software information


Powerpoint can be found in all student computer pools on campus. Students can also access PowerPoint at home as part of Office 365

Canva Free

Canva is a free easy to to use online graphic tool that you can use to create visual content including for posters. You will need to create a personal account to sign up for the free version (Please make sure you select Canva Free when registering)

Referencing help

It is an important part of your assignment to correctly reference your sources. The Referencing hub will help you with referencing using APA 7 style. 

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