In Assessment 1, you are required to write a reflective essay that reflects on your personal experience or situation, as well as one sub-topic of the course. The essay aims to provide useful insights that can help you enhance your future practice in a positive way.
For Assessment 2, you will produce a poster that addresses ONE (1) of the selected targets below identified by the Closing the Gap Report 2023 - 2024 and supported by the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2021-2031. A post template is provided on the Assessment 2 page.
This page will help you through the process from understanding your task, searching for relevant information, writing your assignment, and referencing correctly.
Please refer to your LearnOnline course site for assessment instructions.
View the Student Engagement Unit's Academic Skills website for help planning your assignment and making sense of the assignment and instruction words.
You may find it useful to make a mind map to organise your thoughts about the topic:
Reflecting on what you have learnt or experienced at university or in a clinical setting is an important part of reflective practice. It can help you approach a similar situation in the future with more skill and confidence.
If you're not familiar with reflective writing as an assignment task, the video and resources below may assist you to understand what is required.
Start by identifying the concepts (main ideas) from your assignment topic prior to searching.
Then consider alternative words for these concepts which, together with the concept term, become your searchable keywords.
Have a look at the example question below to see how to start preparing your search strategy:
Alternative terms | ||
Concept 1 | Cultural awareness |
Cultural competence Cultural sensitivity |
Concept 2 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | Indigenous Australians First Peoples' First Nations |
Concept 3 | Nursing/midwifery |
Nursing Midwifery |
This concept breakdown for Assessment 1, part A can be easily modified for part B and Assessment 2 by swapping out the first concept for your subtopic.
You can use quotation marks (“ “) to find an exact match, e.g. “cultural awareness”
Combine your terms to form your search strategy (you'll type this in the search box):
"cultural awareness" OR "cultural competence" OR "cultural sensitivity" AND "Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander" OR " Indigenous Australians" OR "First Peoples'" OR "First Nations" AND nursing *if you are studying midwifery, swap out the term "nursing" for "midwifery" |
This strategy doesn't show every possible search term, just a few examples.
You can search for information using a range of tools, including the Library Collection and databases, Google Scholar, and internet search engines. Choose the sources that are best suited to your need.
Select the plus symbols below to learn more about different search options.
Basic search
This is the default option when searching in the Library Collection.
1. Add in one keyword for each concept, combining them with AND.
Note: Searching for more general terms will find more results.
2. Select Search.
3. Swap your keywords with your alterative terms to see different results.
Advanced search
If you would like to do a more comprehensive search, use the Advanced search.
1. Put each concept on a new line
2. Add your alternative words, combining them with OR.
3. Select Search.
Use the filters on the left to limit and refine your results.
You could try limiting to:
Peer-reviewed journals
Full text online
Resource types
Publication date range
Searching in Medline is different to searching in the Library Collection.
1. Type your first concept and alternative words into the search box.
2. Untick the box labeled Map to Subject Heading.
3. Select Search.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for your next concepts.
5. Tick the boxes next to each of your concept lines.
6. Select Combine with AND.
7. Scroll down to see your results.
*Note line 3 - sometimes you will need to use a broader term to bring in results. Using "nurs*" finds nursing, nurses, nurse etc.
You can do a basic or advanced search, just like in the Library Collection.
1. Type all your keywords for your first concept into the search box.
2. Select the plus symbol to the right to add a line for your next concept.
3. Add all your keywords for your second concept into the search bar.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 until you have used all your concepts.
5. Select Search.
More useful databases:
Google Scholar
You can search Google Scholar in the same way as a basic search on the Library homepage.
1. Access Google Scholar through the Library website
2. Follow the instructions to link your session to UniSA
3. Use the basic search box like the Library Collection
4. Look for the PDF links or Fulltext at UniSA links to access the resource
Relevant websites
To find relevant websites that are recommended for your area of study, have a look at the Find evidence: government and organisation information tab in this guide.
You could also visit the following resources:
You can use Google to search for information from professional bodies, governments, and non-government organisations. This might include reports, clinical guidelines, professional standards, codes of conduct, and more.
Google has a number of useful search features that can make your searching more efficient:
LibKey Nomad
If you are looking for information on the internet, it's worth downloading LibKey Nomad. It's a browser extension for Chrome that will look for full text PDFs of journal articles from websites outside of the Library Collection. This is helpful when looking on pages such as Wikipedia, because you can easily access and read the articles from the reference list. Instructions to download LibKey Nomad are available here.
For a High Distinction, your assignment must use a comprehensive range of sources of evidence. Check the assignment marking rubric on the LearnOnline site for the full criteria.
The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet website is a great place to start. They have a range of resources and reports which will be helpful for your assignment including:
You can also look at other resources available at Google Scholar.
You should critically evaluate all resources found to determine their appropriateness for your assignment. The video below explains more.
View the Student Engagement Unit's Study Help website for help writing your assignment, or to make an appointment with SEU staff.
Once you have found the information for your assignment, you will need to create a presentation. There are a number of resources available to assist you in creating PowerPoint presentations, which can be accessed using the below links:
The below video has information on how to find images you can use in your powerpoint presentation.
It is important to remember if you do use any images in your presentation you will need to attribute them.
Powerpoint 2019 can be found in all student computer pools on campus. You can also access PowerPoint at home as part of Office 365.
Borrow a laptop
If you do not have access to a camera there are laptops available for loan at all metropolitan Library campuses. These laptops have built in microphones and cameras and can be borrowed for a maximum for 4 days on a first come first serve basis.
Study Rooms
If you need a quiet place to record your presentation we have study rooms available on each campus which can be booked through the student app or UniSA Library website.
You must appropriately cite (‘acknowledge’) all references used in your assignment to avoid plagiarism.