Please refer to your LearnOnline course site for assessment instructions
Assessment 1 consists of two parts: A and B
This assignment has three main purposes:
1. To understand and critically analyse what 'person-centred care' means in the context of nursing practice.
2. To complete a task using Generative AI with human evaluation of sources including their level of credibility, and application, ChatGPT and Bing, library databases, journal articles, and professional guidelines. This requires critical engagement with AI generated content and evaluation of its output.
3. Demonstrate academic writing includng citing and referencing sources of information using APA 7 guidelines.
After reading these instructions, please use the template to complete written responses Part A, no. 7 and Part B, questions 1-4.
Search the collection for your topic of interest i.e. "person-centred care".
You can distinguish between 'Resource Types' under the 'Refine my results' menu on the right-hand side, as well as set a date range of interest.
Before you start looking for information, use the following steps to plan your search:
Note: a table can be a useful strategy for organising key concepts and alternative concepts or synonyms |
Example Topic: Discuss the role of the registered nurse in providing person-centred care
Key concepts |
Alternative concepts |
registered nurse |
RN OR registered nurses OR RNs |
person-centred care |
person-centered care OR person-focused care OR person-centric care |
This table is not comprehensive, you will find more concepts as you begin to search.
Next, combine your terms with OR / AND / truncation * / ("word + word" ) phrases
Example search strategy:
"registered nurs* " OR RN* (nurs*will find = nurse OR nurses OR nursing) |
"person-centered care" OR "person-centered care" OR "person-focused care" OR "person-centric care" |
Watch the video below to learn more about how to plan your search:
Searching in Emcare is different to searching in the Library Collection.
1. Type your first concept and alternative words into the search box.
2. Uncheck the box labeled Map to Subject Heading.
3. Select Search.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for your next concepts.
5. Tick the boxes next to each of your concept lines.
6. Select Combine with AND.
7. Scroll down to see your results.
More useful databases:
View the Student Engagement Unit's Study Help website for help writing your assignment, or to make an appointment with SEU staff.
Visit Assignments for information on paraphrasing in your work and how to integrate referencing.
See Writing styles at university for advice on reflective writing and encorporating references and literature support into your reflections.
Critical thinking is an essential part of taking a scholarly approach to learning. It involves analysing and questioning information you receive to arrive at logical, well-reasoned conclusions.
The following resources will assist you in understanding and developing your critical thinking and analysing skills needed for your assignment:
AI tools and apps can assist you with brainstorming, understanding key concepts, helping to improve the clarity of your writing etc. However, before you use AI tools it is important to understand how to use these responsibly and ethically in academic study, including their limitations and risks, and when it is not appropriate to use AI.
Use the below guides to learn how to use AI ethically and responsibly:
Contact: Ask the Library | Use: Studiosity | Talk to: a Learning Adviser |