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NURS 3045: Nursing Context of Practice: Primary Health Care

1. Assessment 2

This assignment help is designed to help you with:

  • Finding information for your presentation
  • Creating your PowerPoint presentation
  • Recording your presentation using Zoom                                              

For the full assessment details and requirements, please refer to your course outline.

2. Plan your search

Before you start looking for information, use the following steps to plan your search:

  1. Define any words you are unsure of.
  2. Identify the main ideas (key concepts) in the statement. These will form the foundation of your search.
  3. Then consider alternative words for your key concepts which you can also search for. 

Example Question: How does cultural identity impact healthcare in remote areas of Australia?

Key concepts
Alternative concepts

Cultural identity

Social identification


Delivery of Healthcare

Remote Australia

Rural Australia

This table is not comprehensive, you will find more concepts as you begin to search.

Next combine your terms:

  • combine all the search terms for the same concept using OR
  • combine different concepts using AND
  • use "quotation marks" to keep phrases together

Example Search:

Line 1 "Cultural identity" OR "social identification"
Connector AND
Line 2

healthcare OR "delivery of healthcare"

Connector AND
Line 3 "remote Australia" OR "rural Australia"

Watch the video below to learn more about how to plan your search:

3. Finding information

The Library Collection can be a useful starting point in locating academic references. It is like a search engine which searches across the Library’s collection of print and electronic books, DVDs, journals and theses, together with journal and newspaper articles from numerous databases.

To do a search, try using

  • double quotes for phrases
  • truncation* to find the plural and other forms of a word
  • connect using ANDOR and NOT

Searching for "primary health care" in Library collection

At the results list you can:

  • Limit to articles from Peer Reviewed publications 
  • Limit by Date eg 2015 to 2022
  • See the full text for many items by selecting the title, then look for the Online link
  • See Library Collection Help for additional searching tips.

Google Scholar searches only within academic or scholarly sites, rather than over the whole internet like a regular Google Search. For more information on using Google Scholar, have a look at our Searching for your Literature Review Guide

By accessing Google Scholar from within the library website, you will be able link directly to articles that the Library has access to by clicking on the Full-text at UniSA link.



You may also want to consult the library's Multidisciplinary databases.

Grey literature sources:

Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Indigenous Studies Databases:

Primary health care search filter:

Other useful library guides:

4. Creating your PowerPoint presentation

Once you have found the information for your assignment, you will need to create a presentation. There are a number of resources available to assist you in creating PowerPoint presentations, which can be accessed using the below links:

5. Finding images

The below video has information on how to find images you can use in your powerpoint presentation. 

It is important to remember if you do use any images in your presentation you will need to attribute them. 

6. Oral presentation tips

Improve your presentation skills with this LinkedIn Learning course, Communicating with Confidence, which contains several short videos. There are also some written guides created by the Student Engagement Unit which may assist you:

7. Recording your presentation using Zoom

Now that your PowerPoint presentation is complete you are ready to record your presentation - Zoom is a great option for recording!

For how to make a recording in Zoom follow the step by step instructions in the guide below. These instructions also cover how to share a PowerPoint. 

8. Equipment and Software information


Powerpoint 2019 can be found in all student computer pools on campus. You can also access PowerPoint at home as part of Office 365.

Borrow a laptop

If you do not have access to a camera there are laptops available for loan at all metropolitan Library campuses. These laptops have built in microphones and cameras and can be borrowed for a maximum for 4 days on a first come first serve basis. 

Study Rooms

If you need a quiet place to record your presentation we have study rooms available on each campus which can be booked through the student app or UniSA Library website. 

9. More help