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BUSS 5302: Managing the Global Workforce

1. Assessment details

There are 2 assessments that are broken up into 2 parts:

  • Assessment 1: Part A - Group Facilitation & Part B - Group report
  • Assessment 2: Continuous Assessments - Part 1 & 2

This page has been created to help you find information for your assignment. Before you get started make sure you have read the Course Outline and Learnonline site for the full assessment details.

2. Finding Industry information

Passport GMID

Passport GMID is a global market research database providing statistics, analysis, reports, surveys on industries, countries and consumers worldwide. To find industry information:

Search in Passport GMID

  • On the Home Page, select Industries then your chosen industry (e.g. Food and Nutrition) on top of page.

  • Scroll down to the Explore Analysis box.
  • Select your company/brand's industry, choose Country Report for analysis, choose the product's category then choose the appropriate country from the drop down menu, and select Go.

  • Your country report should automatically open.
  • Using the menu at the top of the report, you can navigate through different information such as industry analysis, datagraphics and related industries.


IBISWorld provides company reports for the top 2000 Australian companies as well as detailed Industry reports on Australian industries and selected US and Chinese Industries. Industry reports include information such as:

  • SWOT analyses
  • Major competitors
  • Products and markets
  • competitive landscape

Search in IBISWorld

To find industry reports type your industry within the main search box, e.g. chocolate, then select search.

IBISWorld sample search of "chocolate", showing the Country and Report filters underneath

  • From the results page, you can filter your results by Country > Australia/US/Global, to show relevant results. You can also filter results by Report > Industry or Company.

You can also browse industries by selecting Industry research > Choose a country or global (e.g. US) > Select appropriate report.

For Australian Industry Reports, you can find Covid-19 Impact update and Risk Ratings Report.

Business Source Ultimate

Business Source Ultimate gives access to Company Profiles, Industry Reports, Country Reports, SWOT Analysis, and Market Research Reports. The database is USA focused but includes some Australian and international companies and industries as well.

To search for an industry profile, enter the name of the industry (e.g. chocolate) in the search box and click Search.

Search in Business Source Ultimate

On the left hand side under Refine Results, select Source Types, (click Show More to see full range of sources):

And in the pop-up box, select Industry Profiles then hit the Update button.

3. Company and Industry Guide

For more information on how to find Australian industry and company information have a look at our Company and industry information guide.

Company and Industry Information guide banner

Tip: Also look at your Company's website to learn more about your company.

4. Group facilitation

As part of your assessment Part A, you will need to participate in group facilitation. The below resources provide an overview on what group facilitation is, and how to successfully perform group facilitation.

"What does a facilitator do?" (2 min 59 sec) In Meeting Facilitation. 

Please log into LinkedIn Learning with your UniSA login details to access full series content.

5. Plan your search

For your assignment you will need to search for academic references. Start planning your search by:

  • Identifying the keywords in your topic
  • Next think of alternate words for your key words to also use in your searching

Below are some examples of keywords:


Alternative words

Human Resource Management IHRM, HRM, HR, human resources
International global, worldwide
Recruitment recruit, selection, hiring
Compensation pay, payment, remuneration, salary 

For more search tips use the resources below:

6. What are Academic / Scholarly / Peer-Reviewed sources?

Watch this short video (2 min 26 sec) to gain a better understanding of academic, scholarly, or peer-reviewed sources .

7. Journals

Your cited refereed journal articles MUST be sourced from one or more of the following shortlisted journals. You must use at least fifteen (15) academic scholarly references to support your arguments.

Some of the leading peer-reviewed IHRM journals are listed below:

Using Harvard Business Review

It is recommended to access the Harvard Business Review journal through the Business Source Ultimate database.

To search for articles on specific topics within the journal, click the 'Search within this publication' link and on the search page, then enter the title or keywords starting from the second row.

Note: Leave the first row as it is to keep the search within the Harvard Business Review journal.

Screenshot of advanced search bar in Business Source Ultimate

8. Finding information

The Library collection can be a useful starting point in locating academic references. 

When searching, try using these tips:

  • Use quotations marks to keep words together as a phrase. E.g. "global workforce"
  • Use AND (it must be typed in upper case) to connect all the concepts. This will narrow your search results.
  • Use OR (typed in upper case) to connect alternative keywords within a concept. This will widen your search results.
  • Group keywords within similar concepts together by enclosing them in brackets (or parenthesis) when using a single search box.  E.g. (hrm OR "human resource management")
  • Attaching the asterisk * to find alternative endings of a word. E.g. manag* will find manager, management, managing, etc.

Sample library search: "performance management" AND global

At the results list you can use the Refine my results options to narrow your search. Options include:

Limit to articles from Peer Reviewed publications for scholarly articles

  • Publication Date (You may want to select a specific date range. E.g. 2019 to 2024
  • See the full text for many items by selecting the title, then look for the Online link

You can also find relevant information about industry 4.0 and diversity of global workforce

You can search databases to find quality journal articles on your topic.  To find which databases are best suited to your subject area, go to the Database subject list, and select the > next to the Business and Management heading. For this course choose the Human resource management databases.

Most databases have a limiting feature which will allow you to retrieve items published within a particular year or year range e.g. 2019-2024.

Business Source Ultimate is a database which covers all things business and includes peer-reviewed journals. 

sample search

You can limit your search to retrieve only peer-reviewed articles by ticking the scholarly/peer reviewed option. You can also limit your search by date range.

Google Scholar searches only within academic or scholarly sites, rather than over the whole internet like a regular Google Search. For more information on using Google Scholar, have a look at our Searching for your Literature Review Guide. Watch this video (2 min 13 sec) below to learn how to use Google Scholar effectively.

By accessing Google Scholar from within the library website, you will be able link directly to articles that the Library has access to by clicking on the Fulltext at UniSA link.

9. Grey literature

Grey literature is:

'Information produced on all levels of government, academia, business and industry in electronic and print formats not controlled by commercial publishing' - 1997 International Conference on Grey Literature, Luxembourg (definition expanded New York, 2004). 

Why search for grey literature?

  • introduces alternative perspectives
  • minimises reporting bias
  • can be essential in fast-changing research areas
  • contains more local information

More information on grey literature

Some key grey literature websites

10. Critical thinking & analysis

Critical thinking is an essential part of taking a scholarly approach to learning. It involves analysing and questioning information you receive to arrive at logical, well-reasoned conclusions.

The following resources will assist you in understanding and developing your critical thinking and analysing skills needed for your assignment.

11. Report writing

Now that your research is completed it is time to put all of your information together. Watch this short video (2 min 53 sec) for tips on how to write a report.

12. Referencing

Managing your references

What do you do with all those references you have found? Use a bibliographic management software to store, organise and cite your references.

There are many free systems available. The Library supports the bibliographic management tool EndNote. For more information see the EndNote guide.