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HLTH 1036: Global and National Health

HLTH 1036 Assessment 1 Task 2 & Assessment 2

Your written assessment for HLTH 1036 requires you to complete a Community Health Assessment Report.

This assignment help is designed to assist you with:

  • Assessment 2

which requires you to find peer-reviewed and scholarly sources of literature.

Please refer to your course outline for full assessment details.

Plan your search

Before you start looking for information, use the following steps to plan your search:

  1. Define any words you are unsure of.
  2. Identify the main ideas (key concepts) in the statement. These will form the foundation of your search.
  3. Then consider alternative words for your key concepts which you can also search for. 

Example Question: How does cultural identity impact healthcare in remote areas of Australia?

Key concepts
Alternative concepts

Cultural identity

Social identification


Delivery of Healthcare

Remote Australia

Rural Australia

This table is not comprehensive, you will find more concepts as you begin to search.

Next combine your terms:

  • combine all the search terms for the same concept using OR
  • combine different concepts using AND
  • use "quotation marks" to keep phrases together

Example Search:

Line 1 "Cultural identity" OR "social identification"
Connector AND
Line 2

healthcare OR "delivery of healthcare"

Connector AND
Line 3 "remote Australia" OR "rural Australia"

Watch the video below to learn more about how to plan your search:

Library Collection

The Library Collection can be a useful starting point in locating information. It is like a search engine which searches across the Library’s collection of print and electronic books, DVDs, journals and theses, together with journal and newspaper articles from numerous databases.

Use the Library Collection:

  • to find a book or ebook by its title
  • to find a journal article by its title, or use a combination of article title and author
  • to find information in books, journals and other materials on a topic
  • Use the down arrow next to the search box to select All fields, Title, Author or Subject. All fields is similar to doing a keyword search, and is the default search option.


Searching in Emcare is different to searching in the Library Collection.

1. Type your first concept and alternative words into the search box.
2. Untick the box labeled Map to Subject Heading.

simple keyword search with the terms: cultural identity or social identification

3. Select Search.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for your next concepts.
5. Tick the boxes next to each of your concept lines.
6. Select Combine with AND.

MEDLINE strategy where all search lines are selected by the check boxes and the 'combine with AND' button is selected


7. Scroll down to see your results.

More useful databases:

Peer reviewed journals

For your assessment you will need to use peer reviewed journal articles. The video below explains more:

  • Credible references are articles from peer reviewed journals that are of high quality and can be used to support arguments that you are presenting.
  • Articles in peer reviewed journals must go through an evaluation process with experts in the field before being published.
  • The terms refereed, scholarly and academic are also sometimes used to indicate quality journals.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a free service for searching scholarly literature including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports. 

Watch the following videos on how to conduct: 

Reflection and report writing

Now that you have done your research, it is time to put that information together. The Study Help page provides information and tips on academic writing skills and referencing. 

Correctly reference your sources

You must appropriately cite (‘acknowledge’) all references used in your assignment to avoid plagiarism.