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Master of Health Services Management

The search process

You’ll complete a variety of assessments for your Master of Health Services Management, including essays, critical analyses, reports and more. While assessment types may vary, the essential search process stays the same.

This page will guide you through that process, from question interpretation and search strategy creation to resource evaluation and referencing.

Understand your task

Begin by clarifying the assessment requirements. Read the assignment instructions and marking criteria supplied on your course site. The video below explains more about writing assignments at university.

If you need to develop a research topic/question, visit the Develop your research question tab on this guide to learn how.

  • Doing an assignment isn't a linear process.
  • Start by reading the task in detail, so you know what you need to do.
  • The assignment instructions and feedback sheet will explain the structure of your assignment.
  • You can find out more about different assignment types on the Study Help website.
  • You might need to revise your assignment plan as you go - this might happen a few times before you write your final draft!
  • As you read more, your argument should evolve to incorporate new information.
  • Make sure you use reliable resources to support your argument.
  • To interpret your task you will need to identify the content words and phrases - these show what you have to focus on.
  • The instruction words tell you how to approach the content, for example, describing something is different to comparing.
  • Identify the limits of your assignment by looking at keywords, word limits and other instructions.
  • Start the process early to get ahead.

Think about your topic

You’ll need a broad understanding of your topic before searching. Searching for background information can build your understanding of your assignment. 

Select the plus symbols below to see where you can search for background information.

Prepare your search strategy

To search effectively it is important to prepare a search strategy.

Identify the key concepts (main ideas) in your assignment question or from your assignment instructions. Terminology used will vary, so be sure to consider alternative terms for each. These will be your search keywords.

Have a look at the example task below to see how to start preparing your search strategy.

Example assignment task

You can use quotation marks (“ “) to find an exact match, e.g. “change management”

Combine your terms to form your search strategy (you'll type this in the search box):

  • combine all the search terms for the same concept using OR
    This will search for any of the words included
  • combine different concepts using AND
    This will search for at least one word from each line

Example search strategy

This list doesn't show every possible search term, just a few examples.

Start your search

You can search for information using a range of tools, including the Library Collection and databases, Google Scholar, and internet search engines. Choose the sources that are best suited to your need.

Select the plus symbols below to learn more about different search options.

Basic search
This is the default option when searching in the Library Collection.

1. Add in one keyword for each concept, combining them with AND.
2. Select Search.
3. Swap your keywords with your alterative terms to see different results.

Navigate to Library Catalogue Basic Search


Advanced search
If you would like to do a more comprehensive search, use the Advanced search.

1. Put each concept on a new line
2. Add your alternative words, combining them with OR.
3. Select Search.

Navigate to Library Catalogue Advanced search


Use the filters on the left to limit and refine your results.
You could try limiting to:

Tick box Peer-reviewed journals
Tick box Full text online
Tick box Resource types
Tick box Publication date range

SAGE Knowledge
You can do a basic or advanced search in SAGE Knowledge. To do an advanced search:

1. Select Advanced Search underneath the search box.
2. Type all your keywords for your first concept into the search box.
3. Select + Add Search to add an additional search box.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for your next concepts.


5. Scroll down and select Search.

Business Source Ultimate
Business Source Complete automatically uses the advanced search.

1. Type all your keywords for your first concept into the search box.
2. Add all your keywords for your second concept into the search bar.
3. Repeat steps 2-3 until you have used all your concepts.
5. Select Search.

Navigate to Business Source Complete search

Google Scholar
You can search Google Scholar in the same way as a basic search on the Library homepage.

  1. Access Google Scholar through the Library website
  2. Follow the instructions to link your session to UniSA
  3. Use the basic Collection search on the Library website
  4. Look for the PDF links or Fulltext at UniSA links to access the resource

Navigate to Google Scholar Search

Relevant websites

To find relevant websites that are recommended for your area of study, have a look at the Find evidence: government and organisation information tab in this guide.


You can use Google to search for information from professional bodies, governments, and non-government organisations. This might include reports, clinical guidelines, professional standards, codes of conduct, and more.

Google has a number of useful search features that can make your searching more efficient:

LibKey Nomad

If you are looking for information on the internet, it's worth downloading LibKey Nomad. It's a browser extension that will look for full text PDFs of journal articles from websites outside of the Library Catalogue. This is helpful when looking on pages such as Wikipedia, because you can easily access and read the articles from the reference list. Instructions to download LibKey Nomad are available here.

Extend your search

If you want to extend your research skills and find more places to search for information the following guides will be helpful:

Select appropriate resources

You should critically evaluate all resources found to determine their appropriateness for your assignment. The video below explains more.

  • Having access to a lot of information can be overwhelming.
  • Evaluating information helps you decide what resources you should use.
  • One technique you can use is the CRAAP test.
  • Currency: How recent is the information? Does it suit your needs?
  • Relevance: Is the information relevant to your assignment?
  • Authority: Who wrote the information? Are they an expert?
  • Accuracy: Is the information accurate? Is it supported by evidence?
  • Purpose: Why was the resource created? Is there any bias?
  • You can use the CRAAP tool to think about these issues when evaluating your resources.

Correctly reference your sources

You must appropriately cite (‘acknowledge’) all references used in your assignment to avoid plagiarism.

Write it up

The following resources will help you prepare for oral presentations:

Watch: Building great business presentations (1:08:00)
Read: Oral presentations (Study Help page)
Read: Ten simple rules for making good oral presentations

The following resources will help you formulate your debate:

Visit: Toastmasters International website
Read: Debating: a brief introduction for beginners (Debating SA)
Watch: Debate skill: argument building (11:08)
Watch: Debate lesson: refutation and rebuttal (11:11)

The following resources will help you create videos:
            Watch: How to write a script (3:51)

The following resources will help you create podcasts:
            Watch: Producing podcasts (1:42:00)
            Watch: How to start a podcast (14:26)

Open source (free) software: