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Migrants and refugees 


Many databases, and the Library Collection, contain literature discussing migrants and refugee health. To find these, simply add refugee health or migrant health to your search.

For migrant or refugee literature specific to Australia:

  • use the search term: Australia in your search or
  • limit by geographic region: Australia, if available

TIP: Use the connector 'OR' to find synonyms when searching: For example: migrant OR refugee.


Here are some databases to help you start searching for literature (e.g. articles, papers):

Find more health databases to search, such as Embase and Medline, here.

Key websites

Web resources can be useful for finding reports, case studies, statistics, and other publications.

  • Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA)
    '...national umbrella body for refugees and the organisations and individuals who support them...promotes the adoption of flexible, humane and practical policies towards refugees and asylum seekers... through conducting research, advocacy, policy analysis and community education' — Homepage.

  • MedlinePlus
    Browse health information in multiple languages, arranged by language.

  • World Health Organisation: Health topics > Refugees
    Refugee and migrant health information from the WHO.

Explore further

Map of world [Molumen 2006, 'world map', CC Licence: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) (, Image Source: Open Clip Art Library (]Visit this subject guide to explore more key resources related to migration: