Before you start your research, it's important you have a clear objective, and one or more questions aligned to this.
Watch the video below, narrated by Dr Micah Peters, UniSA Clinical & Health Sciences, to learn how to determine the review's objective, questions, and inclusion criteria.
Video Length: 9:18
Definition | Example | |
Aim |
A broad statement outlining the focus of the review. Sometimes this is posed as a broad question instead. This primary question relates directly to the topic, and determines the content that must be addressed by all sources of evidence to be considered relevant. This is the question that the review must pose in order to meet your objective. |
Nurse-led models of care in the field of chronic disease management What nurse-led models of care are used to manage chronic disease? |
Objective |
An objective is a clear, succinct statement that conveys:
Nurse-led models of care are an emerging approach across a number of areas of health care. The objective of this review is to report on nurse-led models of care in chronic disease. The review seeks to examine whether there are different types of nurse-led models, the kinds of chronic disease care for which nurse-led models have been used and what facilitators and/or barriers have been reported relating to the success and/or failures of the model. |
Secondary questions/ sub-questions | Not required for every review. Provide contextual or additional information about the topic. Not all of your included articles need to address these questions. |
What has been reported to be a facilitator/barrier for the success of these models? |
The PCC framework/mnemonic is recommended as an aid in developing your review title, question and inclusion criteria. A clearly formulated question is also helpful when designing your search strategy. See the next page for a PCC example.
Before you finalise your question, you need to undertake exploratory searches in order to:
Searching for existing and prospectively registered reviews - suggestions
Existing reviews | Prospective reviews |
Aggregators of higher-level evidence such as Epistemonikos | Title registers such as JBI |
The major databases for the relevant subject area e.g. CINAHL for nursing, ERIC for education. These will typically include reviews produced by relevant organisations such as Cochrane, the Campbell Collaboration, and JBI |
Protocol registers such as PROSPERO and OSF Registries |
Google Scholar (it is large and finds a lot of what is out there) | Researchers and stakeholders may know if reviews are planned (but discuss with colleagues / supervisors before making contact) |
Example: Google Scholar
Go to example Google Scholar search aged care understaffing systematic
Example: Emcare (via Ovid)
'Clarity of the review question assists in developing the protocol, facilitates effectiveness in the literature search, and provides a clear structure for the development of the scoping review'
- JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis 10.2.2 - Developing the title and question
'Provide an explicit statement of the questions and objectives being addressed with reference to their key elements (e.g., population or participants, concepts, and context) or other relevant key elements used to conceptualize the review questions and/or objectives.'
- PRISMA-ScR Checklist and Explanation, p. 471