The University of South Australia was founded in January 1991 through the merger of:
(North Terrace, The Levels and Whyalla)
(Magill, Salisbury and Underdale)
When accessing the ‘University of South Australia Calendar (1992 onwards)’ Library Collection link above, you have the option to select which yearly calendar you would like to download under the ‘View Online’ section. Although calendars from 1992 to 2004 and calendars from 2005 onwards are both accessed via the link above, the process for downloading them is slightly different.
Calendars from 1992 to 2004 were published in print and subsequently digitised. When you select one of these years a PDF will open displaying the scanned calendar.
Calendars from 2005 onwards were published as webpages so accessing their archived version is little more involved. When you select one of these calendars you will be prompted to save a compressed (.zip) file.
It is very important that you:
Once you have extracted/unzipped the files, look in the newly-created folder for index.html, default.html or default.htm. Open this file to begin navigating the calendar.
Course outlines are not archived by the Library. However, they may be archived by the respective Academic Units.
If you need to access a course outline, please check the course's entry in the relevant calendar, then contact the Academic Unit responsible for the course. Contact details for Academic Units can be obtained via Campus Central.