Cultural Advice

Aboriginal Peoples are advised the Library Collection contains images, voices and names of deceased people in physical and online resources.

The Library recognises the significance of the traditional cultural knowledges contained within its Collection. The Library acknowledge some materials contain language that may not reflect current attitudes, was published without consent or recognition, or, is offensive. These materials reflect the views of the authors and/or the period in which they were produced and do not represent the views of the Library.

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Help finding Aboriginal content

This guide is aimed at staff who are teaching Aboriginal content in undergraduate programs.

If you require further support please contact Ask the Library.

Aboriginal Studies Guide

The Aboriginal Studies guide has been created to assist students with searching for Aboriginal research and resources for assignments. 

Suggest a resource

Is there is a resource you would like to use for your course but have not been able to locate in our Library Collection? Staff can suggest resources by filling out the below form: 

Finding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors

Tips to help identify Aboriginal authors when searching for resources:

  • Does the resource have a self-identifying statement from the author?
  • Check if the author has a social media presence, a personal website or a professional profile?
  • If you find a resource you would like to use by an Aboriginal author or researcher check to see if they have other available works or have a look at resources they have referenced or recommended

BlackWords is a catalogue of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers. BlackWords records information about the lives, careers, and works of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers and storytellers. Browse and discover content including teaching and educational materials or search by author name, heritage, subject and types of works.

Evaluate Resources

Resources need to be evaluated to ensure they are suitable to use for your teaching, think about:

  • does the resource represent the point of view and perspectives of Aboriginal Peoples?
  • were Aboriginal Peoples or Aboriginal Communities involved in the creation of the resource?
  • is appropriate terminology used?
  • Is the resource up to date?
  • is it from a primary, secondary or tertiary source?

Guides to help evaluate resources

The Indigenous Knowledge Attribution Toolkit includes the IKAT Decision Tree to use for determining is the resource appropriate. 

Library Collection and Google Scholar

Search the Library Collection

The Library Collection is a good place to start your search for Aboriginal resources including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, films, documentaries and articles.

Search Google Scholar

Google Scholar searches only within academic or scholarly sites, rather than the whole internet.  You will be able to link directly to articles that the library has access to by clicking on the Full-text at UniSA link.  Search in Google Scholar directly from the Library homepage for best access to full-text references.


To search for Aboriginal content:

1) Add the terms Aboriginal OR "Indigenous Australians" OR "First Nations" OR "First Peoples" to your search

2) Limit by geographic region Australia if available 

Aboriginal research

This page has been created to assist people undertaking Aboriginal research. Resources include texts focusing on Indigenous research methods, guidelines to provide ethical and responsible practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and the Indigenous Referencing Guidance for Indigenous Knowledges.  


Recent additions include:

To browse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander books that have been recently added to the Library Collection click on the below search link:

Aboriginal Australians 

Also explore the below reading lists:

News media

The Library's News Media Guide provides help searching and evaluating a wide range of Australian news media including newspapers, television, radio and media releases.  

Documentaries and films

You can find a large range of documentaries and films that explore Aboriginal History and Culture through the below databases. If you know the name of a film or documentary search by title or search by subject and browse available options. 

Aboriginal knowledges and perspectives in the curriculum

This resource has been created to help pre-service teachers develop the skills to incorporate Aboriginal Knowledges and perspectives into the curriculum.