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MARK 5031 Assignment Help

MARK 5031: Team assignment

This guide has been created to help you find information on your chosen brand for your group assignment.

Please see your Course Outline and learnonline site for the full assessment details. 

Plan your search

Consider these key questions when searching for information on your company or brand:

  • Which industry does your company or brand operate within?

Is your company or brand:

  • Australian or international?
  • Private, public, or not-for-profit?
  • Owned by a parent company?

Tip: Visit your brand's website and spend time exploring. Look for sections of the website labelled 'About us', 'Our story', or 'Our company'  to find out more about your brand.

Finding industry information

Passport GMID is a global market research database providing statistics, analysis, reports, surveys on industries, countries and consumers worldwide. To find industry information:

  • On the Home Page, select Industries then your chosen industry (e.g. Home Products) on top of page.

Screenshot of Passport GMID database highlighting the Home products tab underneath the Industries tab.

  • Scroll down to the Explore Analysis box.
  • Select Country Report for analysis, choose the product's category, then choose the appropriate country from the drop down menu, and select Go.
Screenshot of Passport GMID database filters.
  • Your country report should automatically open.
  • Using the menu at the top of the report, you can navigate through different information such as an industry analysis, datagraphics, and related industries.

IBISWorld provides company reports for the top 2000 Australian companies as well as detailed industry reports on Australian industries and selected US and Chinese industries.

Industry reports include information such as:

  • SWOT analyses
  • Major competitors
  • Products and markets
  • Competitive landscape

To find industry reports, type your industry in the main search box (e.g. personal care), then hit Enter.

Search bar in IBISWorld with the search term "personal care".

  • From the results page, filter your results by Country > Australia to show relevant results. 

You can also browse industries by selecting Industries > and choosing the relevant industry to view the Australia Industry Report (ANZSIC) OR View all sectors.

Screenshot of IBISWorld database highlighting the Industry Research tab in the top menu bar.

D&B Hoovers includes access to industry and market research reports, both Australian and Global. Also includes SWOT Analysis reports for the top 5,000 global companies.

 1. Type the name of an industry into the Search for a Company box (e.g. supermarket)

2. Change the drop down menu to Industries

3. Select the link to the industry code from the search results.

Below are links to some of the best marketing and industry publications to give industry perspective and to gain information on some brands.

These resources can be accessed online via Library website:

The following are direct link to website pages (mostly free content):

Gale OneFile: Business contains full-text coverage of all business disciplines, including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy, and business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through leading business and trade publications, which are updated daily.

In the search results page, refer to the right hand side to filter results according to document type.

Gale OneFile database search bar with search "personal care".

Choose Document Type (e.g. Industry overview) then click Apply.

Screenshot of Gale OneFile database, highlighting the 'Industry overview' document type in the result filters.


  • The leading statistics portal
  • Industry statistics from market, trade, scientific, and government sources
  • Free to publish charts in presentations, website and marketing materials
  • Download diagrams as Graphic (PNG), Excel (XLS), PowerPoint (PPT) or PDF

The following video (2 min 40 sec) explains how to search in the Statista database.

  • To find company information – type name of company into search box (e.g., Kathmandu)
  • To find industry information – type industry keywords into search box (e.g., cosmetics)

Or go to the Reports tab, and find company or industry reports options from the menu bar.

Statista menu bar with the 'reports' tab highlighted.

Company and industry information

The Company and Industry Information Guide will help you search the web and our databases to find company and industry information, financial information, annual reports, and country information. See the guide for more information on how to search the databases below.

Find company information

Are you looking for?

Is the company...?

Try these databases:

Australian companies



Government bodies
Non-profit organisations

International companies
(May contain some
Australian content)



Find industry information

Are you looking for?

Try these databases:

Australian industries

International industries
(May contain some
Australian content)

Report writing

Now that your research is completed it is time to put all of your information together. Please refer to your course outline and course website for full report details.

Watch this short video (2 min 53 sec) for tips on how to write a report:

Study Help is an online hub packed with useful assignment and study resources and tips:

Have a look at:

Referencing support

Managing your references

What do you do with all those references you have found? You can use a bibliographic management software to store, organise, and cite your references.

There are many free systems available. The Library supports the bibliographic management tool EndNote. EndNote automates citing your references and allows you to create and organise a library of references. For more information and to download the software, check out the EndNote Guide: