This page will assist you to find scholarly information and other resources to support your assessments. Please see your Course Outline and learnonline site for the full assessment details.
Remember: All citations must be in APA 7 referencing style. Please check the Referencing Guide for more detail.
Start by brainstorming keywords on your topic. Also think of synonyms and alternative words you can use in your searching as well.
Below is an example of a table with a few keywords:
Key concepts | cordial | consumer | brand |
Alternative |
beverage fruit-based drink syrup concentrates
customer shopper demographic gender |
product marketing brand performance retail environment |
Search tips:
Use AND to combine keywords in your search
For more information on planning your search please look at the below resources.
The Library Collection is a good place to start your search for scholarly content. You can use it to find eBooks, journal articles, reports, videos and more.
Using the "Refine my results" menu, you can refine your search to find exactly what you need.
Want to know more?
To find a company report in Passport GMID, select the Companies option from the Categories drop-down.
To find all mentions of a company in a variety of sources do a keyword search.
Business Source Ultimate is an essential database covering all aspects of business, including marketing.
Below is an example search:
Tip: You can filter your results on the left hand side.
WARC is a marketing and advertising database. To search in WARC:
1. Locate the search box at the top and enter your keywords:
2. From the right menu, you can apply filters to your search. Select the drop-down arrow to open up the options (e.g., for Categories).
For more databases and instructions for how to search have a look at our online guide to finding Company and industry information.
This guide will help you search the web and our databases to find company and industry information.
Once you have all your information it is time to write your essay.
Watch the below video and have a look at this Study Help guide (PDF, 302 KB) on writing an essay.
Video length: 2 min 27 sec
For more assignment help please visit Study Help, an online hub packed with study resources.
As part of your assignment your group will also need to present an oral presentation.
Please look at the resources below:
What do you do with all those references you have found? You can use a bibliographic management software to store, organise, and cite your references.
There are many free systems available. The Library supports the bibliographic management tool EndNote. EndNote automates citing your references and allows you to create and organise a library of references. For more information and to download the software, check out the EndNote Guide: